Monday, September 25, 2023

A rocket was shot down near the Belbek airfield in Sevastopol

The Russian military shot down a missile near the Belbek airfield in Sevastopol, Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev reported on his Telegram channel.

“Our military is repelling a missile attack. According to preliminary data, air defense forces shot down one missile in the area of ​​the Belbek airfield. Work continues,” he said.

Shortly before this, an air raid alert was announced in Sevastopol, during which sea and land public transport stopped moving in the city. Soon Razvozhaev announced that the alarm had been lifted.

Traffic on the Crimean Bridge was restored at 21.52 Moscow time.

1 comment :

  1. Губернатор Севастополя Михаил Развожаев сообщил об отмене воздушной тревоги в городе.
    Власти Севастополя объявили в регионе воздушную тревогу, об этом в 20.57 мск сообщил Развожаев. На время воздушной тревоги морской и наземный общественный транспорт прекратил движение. Также было было перекрыто движение автотранспорта на Крымском мосту (в 20.56 мск).


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