Monday, September 25, 2023

Niger military leaders welcome news of French army withdrawal

Niger’s military rulers on Sunday welcomed the announcement that France will pull its troops out of the country by the end of the year as “a new step towards sovereignty.”

The statement came hours after French President Emmanuel Macron announced that Paris would soon withdraw its ambassador from Niger, followed by its military contingent in the coming months.

Speaking in a televised interview, Macron said that the 1,500 French soldiers deployed in Niger to fight against terrorism in the Sahel region would "return in an orderly manner" by the end of the year.

"We are ending our military cooperation with the de facto authorities of Niger because they no longer want to fight against terrorism," he said, adding that France would consult with the military junta to make the withdrawal "done peacefully."

"We will continue to support the African continent in the fight against terrorism, but we only do so if it is at the request of democratically elected powers and regional authorities," Macron said.

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