Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Poland helped 'throw Ukraine into the deep' — Russian FM

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reminded Polish President Andrzej Duda that it was Warsaw, among others, who helped to "throw Ukraine into the deep" by regularly taking part in regime changes in this country.

This was her commentary on remarks made by Duda, who compared the Kiev regime to "something akin to a drowning person." The Polish leader noted that a "drowning person is extremely dangerous, because they can pull you along into the deep; they can simply drown their rescuer."

"Never before did I agree with Duda as strongly as I did after this statement. Everything he said is correct. However, one small, but important detail is missing. It was the official Warsaw, who regularly participated in regime changes in this country, who helped to ‘throw Ukraine into the deep,’ among others. And, in order to make sure that the Ukrainian neighbor definitely does not resurface, the entire NATO, including the compassionate Polish authorities, tie all kinds of heavy things to his feet: shells, drones, tanks," Zakharova said on her Telegram channel.

"With this kind of ‘rescuers,’ the drowning one is doomed. However, one should have specified the rules of the game on the shore," the spokeswoman concluded.[TASS]

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