Monday, September 25, 2023

Russian Interior Ministry puts ICC president, vice-president, judge on wanted list

The President of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Piotr Hofmanski has been declared wanted under a criminal article, according to the Russian Interior Ministry’s data base.

"Hofmanski, Piotr Jozef. A Pole. Wanted under an article of the Russian Criminal Code," the database says without mentioning the article involved.

ICC First Vice President Luz del Carmen Ibanez Carranza and Judge Bertram Schmitt are also wanted on criminal charges.

On March 17, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, the Russian presidential commissioner for children's rights, on charges of alleged involvement in war crimes, such as "illegal deportation of the population," including children, and their illegal transfer to Russia.

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