Saturday, September 23, 2023

Russian Reconnaissance Team Destroys Leopard Tank in Special Op Zone With Fully-German Crew

A Russian reconnaissance team has destroyed a German-supplied Leopard tank of the Ukrainian military with a crew comprised of Bunderswehr soldiers in the Zaporozhye direction, the team lead with the moniker Legend told Sputnik on Saturday.
"When we curbed another offensive and ATGM-ed [destroyed with an anti-tank guided missile] the Leopard, we moved out to the burned vahicle hoping to seize the 'tongue.' Then we saw that the crew's driver-mechanic was severely injured and the others were dead. Once he awoke, the mechanic started yelling 'nicht schießen' ["do not shoot" in German]," the head of the reconnaissance team said.

"The mechanic repeatedly stated that he was not a mercenary but a Bundeswehr serviceman, and that he and the rest of the crew were members of the same unit of the German army," the Russian fighter said, adding that while receiving medical aid, the German soldier named his brigade and its dislocation site.
The tank's driver died from wounds minutes after he was found despite efforts to save him.

1 comment :

  1. Разведчики Вооруженных сил России уничтожили переданный Украине танк Leopard с полностью немецким экипажем, состоящим из военнослужащих Вооруженных сил Германии, сообщил РИА Новости командир разведгруппы, действующей на Запорожском направлении, с позывным Легенда.

    "Когда мы остановили их очередной "мясной штурм" и заптурили (уничтожили при помощи ПТУР. — Прим. ред.) Leopard, мы выдвинулись к сожженной технике в надежде взять языка. И обнаружили, что механик-водитель танка был тяжело ранен, а остальные погибли. Механик, когда очнулся и нас увидел, начал кричать "нихт шиссен" (не стреляйте. — Прим. ред.)", — рассказал командир группы.


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