Saturday, September 23, 2023

US Measures Impede Arab Reengagement with Syria

The United States has implemented a series of economic measures aimed at dissuading Arab nations from reengaging with Damascus, a source said.

The move by the US ultimately led the Arab League's special committee to cease its contacts with Syria, despite the country's recent readmission to the organization, the source told Russia’s Sputnik.

Earlier this week, reports emerged indicating that the Arab League committee, established in May to seek a comprehensive resolution to the Syrian crisis, had suspended its communications with representatives of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

"Further steps towards supporting Syria, whose economy is in tatters, have been put on hold due to direct US pressure," stated the source.

The source highlighted that Saudi Arabia initiated regional efforts to reestablish ties with Syria after 12 years of isolation within the Middle East. Initially hesitant, Kuwait, Qatar, and Morocco later joined in welcoming Syria back into the Arab League, with hopes of stabilizing the country through economic reconstruction. Consequently, in May, the League of Arab States reinstated Syria's membership, ending a prolonged hiatus.

However, financial support for Syria and plans for post-war reconstruction have faced hindrances due to the US's Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act of 2019.  

"The reasons for discouragement were technical, diplomatic, and political difficulties resulting from the US Caesar Act and other US sanctions against Syria," explained the source.

Since the outset of clashes with Western-backed terrorists in 2011, Syria has been under sanctions from the United States, the European Union, and several individual countries. The US sanctions are considered among the most severe, encompassing an embargo and affecting third parties. US secondary sanctions remained in check until 2020 when the Caesar Act, signed by then-US president Donald Trump in 2019, came into force.

The Caesar Act is intended to discourage support for Syrian government reconstruction efforts. It imposes sanctions on individuals or entities providing funding or assistance to the Syrian government and its central bank. Moreover, the legislation targets those involved in supplying aircraft or spare parts to Syrian airlines and those engaged in government-controlled construction and engineering projects.

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