Thursday, November 30, 2023

Moldova 'next victim' in West’s hybrid war against Russia — Lavrov

The West has set its sights on Moldova as its next victim in the hybrid war that Western countries have unleashed against Russia, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at an OSCE meeting.

He said the Kozak memorandum could have settled relations between Moldova and Transnistria 20 years ago, but this effort was derailed. Brussels "unceremoniously torpedoed" the proposal even after Chisinau and Tiraspol tentatively approved it, the minister said at the meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

"Now they are killing the 5+2 format, the last thing that remains from joint efforts on the Transnistrian settlement," Lavrov said. "Moldova is essentially being readied as the next victim in the hybrid war that the West unleashed against Russia."

He added that every country that has a presence of Western emissaries, foundations and nongovernmental organizations "needs to think hard."[TASS]

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