Wednesday, November 15, 2023

US Quietly Ramps Up Ammo For Israel as Gaza Death Toll Soars - report

As Israel continues its operation to eliminate Hamas in the Gaza Strip whatever the costs, the Pentagon has reportedly been tacitly boosting military aid to its biggest non-NATO ally.

Despite publicly voicing concern over the surging civilian death toll in Gaza, Washington is maintaining a "weapons pipeline" to cater to Israel’s military aid requests, reported Bloomberg.

Thus, Israel has asked for over 57,000 155 mm high explosive artillery shells, 20,000 M4A1 rifles, 5,000 PVS-14 night vision devices, 3,000 M141 hand-held bunker-buster munitions, 400 120 mm mortars, and 75 army vehicles, specifically, the Army and Marine Corps’ new Joint Light Tactical Vehicle. Israel has also ostensibly requested 200 armor-piercing Switchblade 600 dive-bombing drones made by AeroVironment Inc., which the US Army does not have in its inventory.

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