Thursday, November 2, 2023

West in UNSC Continues to Obstruct De-Escalation Efforts in Gaza – Russia’s UN Envoy

Western countries in the UN Security Council continue to torpedo any de-escalation efforts in the area of the Palestine-Israel conflict, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vassily Nebenzia has said.

"Today, it is necessary to immediately cease fire and stop the bloodshed. It seemed to be obvious for everyone. Unfortunately, our Western colleagues in the Security Council continue to torpedo any efforts on de-escalation on the ground and block the adoption of immediate action by the Council aimed at the normalization of the situation as soon as possible and, first of all, ceasefire," Nebenzia said on Wednesday during the 10th emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly. 

Speaking of a ground operation by Israel in the Gaza Strip, the diplomat said that the Security Council cannot give "carte blanche" to the Israeli forces for these actions. 

 The right for self-defense in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict does not cover Israel, because it is an occupying state, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said, speaking at the UN General Assembly special session on Palestine.

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