Friday, December 29, 2023

Critical infrastructure facility on fire in Ukraine’s Lvov after explosions

Explosions that rocked the city of Lvov in western Ukraine caused a critical infrastructure facility to catch fire, Mayor Andrey Sadovoy said.

"A critical infrastructure facility is on fire in Lvov," he wrote on Telegram.

According to the mayor, emergency teams are working at the scene.

Earlier, explosions were reported in Lvov, as well as in the cities of Kharkov and Cherkasy.


  1. The Ukrainian city of Kharkiv came under a Russian missile attack on Friday morning, Mayor Ihor Terehov said, with at least six blasts registered.

    At the same time, air defenses were active in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv as it came under the attack of Russian drones, regional governor, Maksym Kozytskyi, wrote on the Telegram messaging app.

  2. Во Львове были слышны взрывы с утра в пятницу, 29 декабря. Об этом сообщило издание «Украинская правда» со ссылкой на Telegram-канал мэра города Андрея Садового.

    «Львов. В городе был слышен взрыв», — сказано в публикации.

    Такие же звуки раздавались в Харькове и Черкесах. Впоследствии мэр Харькова Игорь Терехов сообщил о шести взрывах. В части областей Украины объявлена воздушная тревога.


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