Sunday, December 31, 2023

Russia Launches Retaliatory Strikes on Ukrainian Decision-Making Centers After Belgorod Attacks: MoD Ru

The Russian military made good on its promise to "punish" those responsible for Saturday's attack on Belgorod, striking a series of military facilities and decision-making centers in the city of Kharkov.

"A high-precision missile strike on the former Kharkov Palace hotel complex eliminated representatives of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' Main Intelligence Directorate, who were directly involved in the planning and execution of the terrorist attack in Belgorod," the MoD said in a statement Sunday.

According to the MoD's information, up to two hundred mercenaries were situated at the complex, and were planning to conduct terrorist raids inside Russia.

Additional strikes targeted the building of the Ukrainian Security Service in Kharkov Region, as well as a temporary deployment point of the Right Sector* formation, killing Ukrainian Intelligence Service representatives, foreign mercenaries and militants from the Kraken unit, who were similarly planning sabotage attacks on Russian territory.

Separately, Russian missiles hit a branch of the Ukrainian National Space Facilities Control Center in the area of the village of Zalestsy in Khmelnytsky region used for reconnaissance.
Sunday's strikes also targeted fuel depots in Kharkov and Ukrainian controlled areas of Zaporozhye, the temporary deployment points of units of Ukraine's 59th Motorized Infantry and 79th Airborne Assault Brigades, and a concentration of up to 600 foreign mercenaries.

The attacks also hit concentrations of military equipment and artillery in the settlements of Selidovo, Kurakhovo and the Korotchenko Mine in the occupied portion of the Donetsk People's Republic.

The MoD assessed Ukrainian forces to have suffered "significant losses" in the latter strikes, including the destruction of two HIMARS launches which the military said were going to be used to target Donetsk during the New Year's holidays.

"We emphasize once again that the Russian Armed Forces only strike military targets and infrastructure directly associated with them," the MoD summarized.


  1. The number of civilians killed in Belgorod in a shelling attack by Ukraine’s armed forces has grown to 24, regional Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said on his Telegram channel.

    Earlier, 22 fatalities were reported.

  2. Российские военные поразили в Хмельницкой области филиал национального центра управления космическими средствами, который Вооруженные силы Украины (ВСУ) использовали для ведения разведки. Об этом в воскресенье, 31 декабря, сообщило Минобороны РФ.

  3. Российские войска ответили на украинский теракт в Белгороде ударом по центрам принятия решений и военным объектам в Харькове, заявили в Минобороны.
    "В ответ на данный террористический акт Вооруженными Силами Российской Федерации поражены центры принятия решений и военные объекты в городе Харьков, использовавшиеся преступным киевским режимом", — говорится в сообщении.

  4. Российскими ракетными ударами уничтожены две ракетные установки HIMARS, из которых киевский режим собирался наносить по Донецку удары во время новогодних праздников, сообщили в воскресенье в Минобороны РФ.

  5. Over the past 24 hours, the Russian armed forces have destroyed aviation equipment of the Ukrainian armed forces in hangars at airfields in the Dnepropetrovsk and Odessa regions, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

    "[The Russian army has destroyed] aviation equipment in hangars at the Dnepr and Shkolny airfields in the Dnepropetrovsk and Odessa regions. In addition, fuel and ammunition warehouses of the Ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the cities of Zaporozhye and Belaya Tserkov were hit," the statement says.

    The ministry specified that the Russian forces also hit manpower and military equipment in 133 districts.


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