Friday, December 29, 2023

S-300 or S-200 anti-aircraft missile of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to fly into Poland

The missile that flew into Poland could have been an anti-aircraft guided missile of the S-300 or S-200 complex of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU). An informed source told Izvestia about this on December 29.

“This has already happened since the beginning of the special operation. Ukrainian Soviet-made missiles flew towards the Poles, which they launched to intercept our missiles,” he said.


  1. Польский генштаб бездоказательно заявил, что нарушившая воздушное пространство Польши ракета была российской.

    "Все указывает на то, что российская ракета вторглась в воздушное пространство Польши, мы ее сопровождали на радарах, и покинула воздушное пространство", — сообщил начальник Генерального штаба ВС Польши Веслав Кукула.
    При этом он не дал никаких дополнительных объяснений и не представил доказательств своих слов.

  2. A search for an unidentified flying object that violated Polish airspace this morning is underway in eastern Poland near the border with Ukraine, the RMF FM radio station reported.

    According to the radio report, the object, which flew "at a tremendous speed to the west," was observed by residents of the town of Przewodow, Lublin Province. The search for the object on the ground has already begun, for which "significant forces have been mobilized."

    However, there is no evidence that the object fell to the ground and exploded. "It is possible that there was only a one-stage violation of our airspace, and this unidentified object returned to Ukraine," the message said.

    Earlier information about the incident was confirmed on the X (formerly Twitter) account of the Polish armed forces’ operational command.

    A Ukrainian air defense system missile exploded near Przewodow on November 15, 2022, after going off course. Two local residents were killed in the explosion.


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