Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Death toll from Japan’s earthquakes up to 62, rescuers struggle to reach cut-off villages

The death toll from the earthquakes that continue in central Japan has reached 62, as follows from the data published by the regional authorities.

More than 100 people have been injured. Most of the casualties were in the Ishikawa prefecture - the epicenter of the ongoing earthquakes. Fires have destroyed more than 200 homes. More than 100 buildings collapsed after earth tremors. 

Rescuers, emergency workers and soldiers continue to remove debris and search for survivors. It has been raining in the affected regions since Wednesday morning.

1 comment :

  1. The death toll has risen to 64 in the central Japanese prefecture of Ishikawa as of Wednesday noon, after a series of powerful earthquakes hit the area in central Japan and the vicinity, with aftershocks and more damage reports coming in.


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