Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Russian air defenses down four Olkha rockets over Belgorod Region — MoD Ru

Russian air defenses destroyed four Olkha rockets over the Belgorod Region, the Defense Ministry said in a statement.

"An attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack on targets in Russia using Olkha rockets was thwarted on January 2. On-duty air defenses destroyed four rockets over the Belgorod Region," the statement reads.

Air defenses shot down four aerial targets near the city of Belgorod, regional Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said.

"Our air defenses downed four aerial targets coming towards Belgorod and the Belgorodsky Region. Emergency services are collecting information about consequences on the ground. According to preliminary reports, a man suffered shrapnel injuries to his arms and legs," Gladkov wrote on Telegram.


  1. Moscow said Tuesday it downed four missiles fired by Kyiv over Russia’s Belgorod border region, hours after Russia hit Ukraine with a barrage of missiles.

    Belgorod has been targeted by Ukraine for months and was hit by an unprecedented attack last week that killed 25 people.

  2. Российские средства противовоздушной обороны (ПВО) уничтожили четыре ракеты реактивной системы залпового огня (РСЗО) «Ольха», которыми Украина попыталась атаковать объекты на территории РФ. Об этом 2 января сообщили в Минобороны России.

    «Около 12:00 пресечена попытка киевского режима совершить террористическую атаку по объектам на территории Российской Федерации с применением ракет реактивной системы залпового огня «Ольха», — говорится в Telegram-канале оборонного ведомства.

  3. В Белгороде запустили сирены ракетной опасности

  4. The Ukrainian military’s shelling attack on the Russian city of Belgorod has killed one civilian and left another five wounded, regional Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said.

    "According to preliminary reports, one person was killed. A munition exploded by his car as he was driving and he died on the spot of shrapnel wounds," the governor wrote on Telegram. "Another four people suffered wounds near a car market. Two -- a man and a woman -- were rushed to the hospital by an ambulance; they are being examined by doctors at the regional clinical hospital. Two more wounded men refused hospitalization," Gladkov said, adding that another woman suffered a shrapnel wound to her arm while riding a bus.

    Damage was done to several private homes as air defense systems downed eight aerial targets over Russia’s borderline Belgorod Region, also affecting four cars and a bus, Gladkov said.


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