Sunday, February 4, 2024

Chile forest fires death toll jumps to 46

Forest fires raging in central Chile have killed at least 46 people, President Gabriel Boric said, warning that the death toll is likely to keep rising.

Black smoke billowed into the sky over many parts of the Valparaiso region, home to nearly one million inhabitants in central Chile, while firefighters using helicopters and trucks struggled to quell the flames.

Areas around the coastal tourist city of Vina del Mar have been some of the hardest hit and rescue teams were struggling to reach all the affected areas, Chilean authorities said.

1 comment :

  1. Raging wildfires in Chile have killed at least 51 people the Valparaíso region, as the country faces its worst disaster since the 2010 earthquake.

    Officials have warned the death toll is likely to rise as rescue teams reach the hardest hit areas.


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