Friday, February 9, 2024

German Lawmaker Calls for 'Elements of War Economy' to Supply Arms to Ukraine Independently

Germany and the European Union need to introduce "elements of the war economy" at the expense of civil projects to supply Ukraine with arms and ammunition independently, German lawmaker Marcus Faber, who serves as defense expert from the Free Democratic Party, said Thursday.

In an interview with German tabloid Bild, Faber listed three "elements of the war economy" that need to be introduced in Germany and the entire European Union, namely guarantees and loans for defense companies and prioritization of weapons production over peaceful projects. 

"We must encourage the expansion of production so that large volumes of urgently needed military equipment, particularly artillery ammunition, can be produced quickly. We must guarantee a plant's workload capacity at a certain level, for example, for ten years, so that defense companies could reliably produce the required volumes," he said.

Faber added that defense companies should be provided with access to resources, including steel and chemical products, by creating reserves in Germany and across Europe.

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