Friday, February 9, 2024

Israel delvers more retaliation strikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon

Israel delivered strikes on three Hezbollah targets in Lebanon in retaliation to the attacks on its territory, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said.

"Over the past hours, a number of launches toward the area of Manara, Har Dov, and Malkia in northern Israel were identified. No injuries were reported and the IDF is responding with fire toward the sources of the launches," the IDF said. "A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck a military site in which Hezbollah terrorists were operating in Maroun El Ras as well as three military compounds in the towns of Yohmor and Naqoura in southern Lebanon.

Apart from that, "the IDF also struck a number of locations in southern Lebanon with artillery and mortar shells," it added.

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