Friday, February 9, 2024

Russia has no interest in wider war - Putin

Russian President Vladimir Mr Putin said in an interview that aired that Russia will fight for its interests "to the end" but has no interest in expanding its war in Ukraine to other countries such as Poland and Latvia.

In his first interview with an American journalist since before Russia's invasion of Ukraine nearly two years ago, Mr Putin said Western leaders had come to realise it was impossible to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia and were wondering what to do next.

"We are ready for this dialogue," he said.

1 comment :

  1. Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that defeating Russia in Ukraine is “impossible by definition,” but insisted he does not seek to expand the war to neighbouring countries such as Poland and Latvia.

    In a high-profile interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Putin denied that he had territorial ambitions across Europe and said he would only send troops into neighbouring countries if attacked first.


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