Sunday, February 11, 2024

Situation at Front is Very Difficult for Ukraine

Ukraine now faces the most difficult situation on the front, German journalist Paul Ronzheimer has written for the Bild newspaper.

"This is probably the worst crisis for Ukraine since the beginning of the conflict in 2022," he stated.
A soldier in the Ukrainian armed forces (UAF) interviewed by the journalist said the army is experiencing an acute shortage of weapons and manpower.

"We urgently need mobilization, people obviously do not understand how critical the situation is," the soldier complained.

1 comment :

  1. Kiev needs more weapons, since the situation on thee frontline is difficult, Secretary of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council Alexey Danilov said.

    "If I say that all [Ukrainian soldiers] are highly motivated, this will not be true," he said in an interview with Portugal’s Lusa agency. "Each one has his own moral situation, own motivation."

    "The situation on the frontline is very difficult. It has never been easy since February 24, 2022. And if someone thinks that the situation on the frontline is not difficult, these people don’t understand what a war is like," he said, adding that Kiev needs more weapons.


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