Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Sweden shuts down Nord Stream blasts inquiry for fear of truth Maria Zakharova said

Sweden's public prosecutor has closed an inquiry into underwater blasts that tore apart two pipelines carrying Russian gas to Germany after a 16-month investigation.

It is still unknown who blew up Nord Stream 1 and 2 in September 2022.

Prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist said the "primary purpose" had been to find out if Swedes were involved or if Swedish territory had been used.

He concluded that Swedish jurisdiction did not apply.

Swedish intelligence service Sapo said it had shared information it had gathered with other countries.

German and Danish authorities are still investigating the series of explosions that sabotaged three of the four gas lines east of the island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea on 26 September 2022.

  •  Sweden’s decision to close its investigation into the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosions may be due to its fear of the truth, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing.

"In this particular case, the Swedish authorities - for reasons none of which can be explained logically but one - from the very start showed a lack of serious determination to push the matter through and even address the issue. However, there is a logical explanation. It’s their fear of uncovering the truth about what really happened to the Nord Stream pipelines in the Swedish economic zone," she noted.

According to Zakharova, this is particularly indicated by the fact that the Swedish prosecution had repeatedly rejected Russia’s calls to ensure a transparent and careful investigation into the act of sabotage, engaging the relevant Russian officials and Gazprom’s personnel.

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