Friday, March 29, 2024

Crocus City Hall attackers sought to escape to Kiev — Russian Investigative Committee

Russia’s Investigative Committee has established that the Crocus City Hall attackers sought to escape to Kiev, with a man coordinating their activities via Telegram, the committee said in a statement.

"After committing the crime, the terrorists got into a car and drove towards the Ukrainian border as instructed by the coordinator. They were supposed to cross the border and travel to Kiev to receive the reward they had been promised," the statement reads.

The defendants told investigators that "a man using an alias was coordinating their activities both during preparations for and after the armed attack on Crocus City Hall by sending them voice messages via Telegram."

Russia’s Investigative Committee said earlier that investigators had received evidence of Crocus City Hall attackers getting large amounts of money and cryptocurrency from Ukraine, which they had used in preparing the terrorist act. According to the committee, initial investigation results fully confirm that the terrorists’ actions were carefully planned and the masterminds of the attack provided them with financial support.

1 comment :

  1. Следственный комитет России установил, что устроившие теракт в «Крокус Сити Холле» боевики после нападения направлялись в Киев.

    Ведомство написало в своем Telegram-канале, что боевики действовали по указанию координатора. После совершения преступления они направились на автомобиле в сторону российско-украинской границы для ее пересечения. Как сообщает ведомство, террористам обещали вознаграждение в Киеве.

    «Следствием продолжается выполнение комплекса следственных действий и оперативных мероприятий по проверке причастности к организации и финансированию теракта представителей украинских спецслужб», - сообщает ведомство.


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