Saturday, March 30, 2024

Russia reaffirms readiness to support Armenia against foreign aggression

 Russia is ready to fulfill its allied obligations in case of a foreign aggression against Armenia but it’s up to Yerevan to decide whether to accept this help, Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergey Kopyrkin said.

"I have no reason to think that Russia will abandon its obligations under the existing agreements. All of our public statements give no reason to question this. But I have a question: what purpose do the unfriendly statements [by some Armenian officials] serve? Do they want Russia to fulfill its obligations or do they want to create a situation where it doesn’t? I can’t help but ask. Some time ago, I did not even think about such things but now I have to," he said when asked whether Russia would honor its current agreements and do its duty in case of Azerbaijan’s aggression.

Kopyrkin also noted in an interview with Armenia’s 24News portal that the issue of the return of Armenians to Nagorno-Karabakh is important for Russia.

"We have always though and have been saying this publicly that it is important to ensure that Armenians could live in their historic homeland - Karabakh. This is why Russian peacekeepers are present in the area. For me, this means that this issue is still on the agenda. Those Karabakh Armenians who want to return have the right to do this. As far as I understand, the Azerbaijani side does not deny this right," he said.

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