Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Transfer of US-Led Ukraine Arms Group to NATO

NATO is looking to assume control of the US-led Ukraine Defense Contact Group (UDCG) that coordinates the shipment of weapons to the Kiev regime, Politico has reported citing unnamed sources.

The issue will reportedly be discussed during the NATO foreign ministerial meeting in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday, and is expected to be finalized at the NATO leaders’ summit in Washington in July.

Transferring the UDCG to NATO may present challenges due to various factors, including the differences in opinions and capabilities between the US and the allies regarding financial and military supplies to Ukraine, as well as internal crises that inevitably affect foreign policy. 

According to the New York Times, there is "enormous uncertainty and anxiety" throughout Europe and among "American supporters of the country’s traditional foreign policy role" that, if reelected, Trump may withdraw the US from NATO.

Another factor that may complicate NATO's control of the body is the current situation of some NATO members, such as Hungary, opposing providing Ukraine with weapons.
On top of that, there are reportedly those in the West who have been wary of any steps that would imply NATO’s direct role in the Ukraine conflict. Moscow has repeatedly warned that the US and its NATO allies’ military aid to Kiev makes the alliance a side to the standoff.



  1. Белый дом назвал предварительными обсуждениями и гипотетическими заключениями данные о возможной передаче НАТО координации помощи Киеву.

  2. Повышение координирующей роли НАТО в военных поставках на Украину опасно, потому что втягивает альянс в конфликт с Россией, считает Сийярто.

    1. Hungary won't participate in NATO's efforts to coordinate military supplies to Ukraine - FM Péter Szijjártó

  3. Ряд государств НАТО ставят под сомнение инициативу Столтенберга создать фонд в $100 млрд для оплаты поставок оружия Украине в течтение 5 лет, пишет газета The New York Times.

  4. Москва опережает союзников Украины в гонке за боеприпасами – Bloomberg об очередной 'зраде' для Зеленского.

    ‘Поток западной военной помощи на Украину резко сократился, по словам официальных лиц из стран-союзниц, знакомых с последними событиями, некоторые украинские орудия делают всего по одному выстрелу в день, чтобы сохранить свои истощающиеся запасы.

    ...Такая ситуация заставила союзников разыскивать снаряды по всему миру. Но поскольку эти инициативы медленно реализуются, неясно, принесут ли они достаточные результаты в краткосрочной перспективе, чтобы сохранить стабильность линии фронта

    Российские войска сейчас выпускают в семь раз больше снарядов, чем украинские. Российская военная промышленность буквально работает в три смены’

  5. Some NATO countries are skeptical of the plan floated by the alliance’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to secure $100 billion in aid for Ukraine over the next five years, The New York Times writes referring to sources.

    According to one of them, "several allies have questioned how NATO would be able to corral the $100 billion when it has no leverage to raise money among member states."

    Another NATO official said that Hungary "opposed the effort to put the Defense Contact Group under the alliance’s oversight." Currently, the Pentagon is responsible for this.

    The paper stresses that it is unclear at this point whether Washington will support these changes. Last month, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin hailed the current format as "a very effective forum". The New York Times also reiterates that NATO was previously reluctant to take a more active role in the conflict in Ukraine "given fears of provoking a wider and more severe response" from Russia.

    Bloomberg reported earlier, citing sources, that the NATO secretary general "is proposing to establish a fund of allied contributions worth $100 billion over five years for Ukraine as part of a package for alliance leaders to sign off when they gather in Washington in July." "As part of the package, NATO could also take over the operational duties of the US-led Ukraine Contact Defense Group, which coordinates weapons deliveries by about 50 countries to Ukraine," the sources said.


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