Thursday, May 30, 2024

Media: Biden secretly approved U.S. military strikes inside Russia

US President Joe Biden secretly allowed Kyiv to carry out strikes with American weapons on targets in Russia, Politico writes, citing an unnamed official.

“The president recently directed his team to ensure that Ukraine can use American weapons to counteract them in Kharkov so that Ukraine can retaliate against Russian forces that are attacking them or preparing to strike them,” the source said.


  1. Weapons, delivered by the United States to the Kiev government is intended for use on the territory of Ukraine, and this position remains unchanged, US Department of Defense Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh told reporters.

    "There's been no change in our policy. The security assistance that we provide to Ukraine is to be used within Ukraine, and we don't encourage attacks or enable attacks inside of Russia," she said, answering to a reporter’s question.

  2. The offensive of Russian forces in the Kharkov region prompted Washington to “more seriously” consider the issue of authorizing strikes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces with American weapons deep into Russian territory, Politico newspaper wrote on Thursday.
    In its material, the publication refers to an unnamed high-ranking representative of the US military circles, who held a briefing for congressmen on the situation in Ukraine. According to the official, lifting the ban for Kyiv on strikes on targets on Russian territory is of “military value,” and therefore it could be announced “very soon.”

  3. Politico schreibt, dass Biden heimlich die Angriffe der AFU mit US-Waffen innerhalb Russlands gebilligt hat, allerdings nur auf dem Gebiet nahe der Grenzen der Oblast Charkiw

    1. Байден втайне разрешил украинским властям наносить удары американским вооружением вглубь российской территории, сообщила газета Politico со ссылкой на свои источники. По их словам, речь идет о соседних с Харьковской областью российских районах.

    2. Joe Biden ha "segretamente" autorizzato l'Ucraina a colpire in territorio russo con armi Usa ma solo nell'area vicino a Kharkiv e non a lungo raggio.

      Lo riferisce Politico in esclusiva citando due fonti informate. "Il presidente ha di recente ordinato al suo team di garantire che l'Ucraina sia in grado di utilizzare le armi statunitensi a Kharkiv a scopo di controffensiva", ha detto un funzionario americano.

    3. President Joe Biden has lifted restrictions on Ukraine using weapons supplied by the United States against targets on Russian territory, but only to defend the under-fire Kharkiv region, a senior US official said Thursday.


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