Friday, May 17, 2024

Russia takes control of more land than Ukraine in 2023 counteroffensive

 The Russian Armed Forces have taken control of more land in their recent operations than Ukraine regained in its 2023 counteroffensive, The Washington Post writes.

The article, titled "Russia seizes more land than Ukraine liberated in 2023 counteroffensive" is particularly based on conclusions by American non-governmental experts closely following military activities in Ukraine.

 On May 17, Putin said, commenting on Russia’s offensive operations in Ukraine, that the goal was to create "a sanitary zone" to protect border areas from shelling attacks, while there were currently no plans to seize the city of Kharkov.


  1. Ukraine knew Russia was planning a summer offensive, but not where it would start. That became clear on 10 May, as Russian forces penetrated the border area near Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city.

    They have since grabbed a number of villages on Ukraine's northeastern frontier, and are trying to push forward as Ukraine’s outgunned forces try to shore up a weakened front line.

  2. ВС РФ за неделю освободили 12 населенных пунктов в Харьковской области, говорится в сводке Министерства обороны РФ о проведении специальной военной операции.

    «Подразделения группировки войск "Север" в результате активных действий освободили 12 населенных пунктов в Харьковской области: Борисовка, Бугроватка, Гатище, Глубокое, Красное, Лукьянцы, Мороховец, Огурцово, Олейниково, Плетеневка, Пыльная, Стрелечья», - говорится в сообщении.

    Кроме того, российские военные продолжают продвижение в глубину обороны противника на данном направлении, наносят поражение украинским бригадам.


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