Saturday, May 25, 2024

The conflict in Ukraine could develop into a global catastrophe, Vucic said

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic expressed fears that if the conflict in Ukraine is not stopped now, it will develop into a global military catastrophe.

“I’m afraid that there is little time left for the war in Ukraine to stop, I hope that this is possible, but I’m afraid that it is not. I’m afraid that the train has already left the station, as I said earlier, and no one will stop it. My assessment is things will be much harder, much worse, and a greater tragedy may occur than in World War II,” the Serbian President said on TV Prva on Saturday night.

He noted that he would like to be wrong in his forecasts, but the facts, built “according to the logic of iron determinism,” indicate an approach to a global world conflict.

"Don't forget, when the war machine accelerates, there is a military lobby and a weapons lobby that demand escalation, and it is difficult to stop it. Therefore, I think that now is the last moment for someone to try to do something concrete to stop it, and did not shift the blame to the other side. If this is not done, I’m afraid we are headed for disaster,” the Serbian leader emphasized.

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