Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The West plunders Syrian resources and prevents return of the displaced

The Russian Foreign Ministry underlined that Western countries, instead of working to resolve the crisis in Syria, are plundering Syrian resources and preventing the displaced from returning to their homes.

 “Washington and its allies who are illegally occupying the areas east of the Euphrates River and the area near al-Tanf are involved in plundering Syrian natural resources, including oil and grains. they do not care about civilians in camps which are in very bad conditions, such as al Hol and Roj camps,” said the Russian Foreign Ministry in a statement published on its official website on Wednesday commenting on the Brussels conference on Syria, which was held on May 27th.

 “Washington and Brussels not only refuse to help those who wish to return, but also obstruct the implementation of early restoration projects for civilian infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, water and electricity supply facilities, and residential buildings, which is of key importance for safety and dignified returns.” the ministry added.

The ministry went on to say : “The statements of the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, about commitment to a comprehensive political settlement in Syria with the help of the United Nations appear hypocritical, as the Europeans do not care to advance the political process led and implemented by the Syrians themselves.

“Representatives of the legitimate government in Syria are not invited to meetings and conferences related to their country, and now Russia is also not invited, and without these parties, no serious talk can take place about a solution to the crisis in Syria.” the ministry noted.

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