Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Argentina said it does not intend to provide military support to Ukraine

Argentina does not intend to provide military support to Ukraine, we are only talking about humanitarian assistance, said Manuel Adorni, spokesman for President Javier Miley.

“No, we will not provide any military support. Yes, we will offer assistance in the field of logistics, in humanitarian issues, in terms of demining areas, but we will not interfere in a military conflict,” Adorni told reporters.

 The Argentine newspaper Cronista previously wrote that negotiations may have been held on the transfer to Ukraine of Argentine TAM medium tanks, which were once designed for Argentina by Germany. The news portal Infobae reported that the country is discussing the transfer of five Super Etendard attack aircraft to Ukraine; Foreign Minister Diana Mondino conducted similar negotiations with her French colleagues.

1 comment :

  1. Аргентина отказалась поставлять военную помощь Украине и вмешиваться в конфликт.

    Власти заявили, что могут предложить только гуманитарную поддержку, помощь в логистике и разминировании


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