Monday, June 3, 2024

India: Heat waves kill over 50 people in Uttar Pradesh, Odisha

More than 50 people have died in India over the past three days as a brutal heat spell continues to grip parts of the country.

Around 33 people died in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh over the weekend due to the heat.

In Odisha (Orissa) state, about 20 people died due to heat stroke, an official told ANI news agency.



  1. The return of the cooling La Niña weather phenomenon this year should help lower temperatures somewhat after months of global heat records, the United Nations' weather agency has said.

    The impact is likely to be felt in the next few months because the warming El Niño weather pattern - which has helped fuel a spike in global temperatures and extreme weather around the world since mid-2023 - "is showing signs of ending", the UN's World Meteorological Organization said in its latest update.

  2. India heatwave kills at least 56 in 3 months, 25,000 affected by heatstroke, as climate change worsens hot weather

    May was a particularly bad month, with temperature in the capital Delhi and nearby state of Rajasthan touching 50 degrees Celsius.


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