Monday, June 24, 2024

Russian Foreign Ministry Summons US Ambassador Over Attack on Sevastopol

The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday that it had summoned US Ambassador to Russia Lynne Tracy to express a demarche in connection with Kiev's missile attack on Sevastopol.

"During a conversation at the Russian Foreign Ministry on June 24 with the summoned head of the US diplomatic mission in Russia, Lynne Tracy, a demarche was made in connection with the new bloody crime of the Kiev regime, sponsored and armed by Washington, which launched a targeted missile attack on the civilian population of Sevastopol, accompanied by numerous casualties, including children," the ministry said in a statement.

Washington’s actions encouraging the pro-Nazi authorities of Ukraine to take military action will not go unpunished, the ministry said, adding that there will be response measures.

The United States bears equal responsibility with Kiev for the missile strike on the civilian population of Sevastopol, the statement read.


  1. Главу дипмиссии США в России Линн Трейси вызвали в МИД РФ. Соответствующая информация появилась на официальном сайте.

    «Ей был сделан демарш в связи новым кровавым преступлением опекаемого и вооружаемого Вашингтоном киевского режима, нанесшего целенаправленный, сопровождавшийся многочисленными жертвами, включая детей, ракетный удар по мирному населению Севастополя», - сказано в сообщении ведомства.

    В МИД России уточнили, что действия Вашингтона, имеющие целью поощрить пронацистские власти Украины к продолжению боевых действий, безнаказанными не останутся - ответные меры последуют.

  2. Ответ на причастность Вашингтона к атаке на Севастополь обязательно последует, заявили в МИД РФ.

    1. The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the United States, which is waging a hybrid war against Russia, has actually become party to the conflict by "supplying the Ukrainian army with the most advanced weapons, including ATACMS missiles, equipped with cluster warheads, used against residents of Sevastopol, whose flight paths are programmed by American military specialists, bears equal responsibility with the Kiev regime for this atrocity."

      "The envoy was told that such actions by Washington, aiming to encourage Ukraine’s pro-Nazi authorities to continue combat 'to the last Ukrainian,' having issued a permission to deliver strikes deep inside Russian territory, will not go unanswered. Response measures will definitely follow," the Russian Foreign Ministry underscored.

  3. El Kremlin califica de bárbaro el ataque ucraniano con misiles contra Sebastopol

    El portavoz del Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov, calificó de "absolutamente bárbaro" el ataque con misiles contra la ciudad de Sebastopol, ubicada en el suroeste de la península de Crimea, por las FFAA de Ucrania. En sus palabras, la participación de Washington no puede sino tener consecuencias.

    La semana pasada, recordó, el presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, apuntó el hecho de que "no son los ucranianos" los que garantizan estos lanzamientos.

    "Pregúntenles a mis colegas, portavoces [de mandatarios] en Europa, sobre todo en Washington, por qué su Gobierno está matando a niños rusos", agregó.


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