Sunday, June 23, 2024

Two people died and 22 were injured after the Ukrainian Armed Forces attack on Sevastopol

According to preliminary information, two people, including a child, died after an attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) on Sevastopol.

 Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev announced this on June 23.

“According to preliminary information, today’s attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Sevastopol killed 2 civilians, one of them a 2-year-old child. The situation in Uchkuevka is difficult, all available emergency medical teams have been sent there. Some people have already been taken to the hospital, they are receiving everything they need help. All forces have been mobilized,” the message says.

The number of victims increased to 22 people.


  1. Как рассказал губернатор, военные отразили ракетную атаку на Севастополь, уничтожив пять воздушных целей, но их осколки упали в прибрежной зоне.

  2. Nach vorläufigen Informationen wurden 5 Luftziele am Himmel über dem Wassergebiet der Stadt zerstört. Durch herabfallende Splitter in der Küstenzone wurden in der Gegend von Uchkuevka 12 Menschen, darunter 2 Kinder, durch Schrapnellwunden verletzt. In Lyubimovka wurden 2 weitere Personen verletzt.

  3. Два мирных жителя, один из них 2-летний ребенок, погибли после атаки ВСУ на Севастополь.

  4. Razvozhayev earlier said, citing preliminary data, that Russian air defenses destroyed five air targets over the waters off Sevastopol, and the fragments of the targets fell in the coastal area.

  5. Над Севастополем силы ПВО сбили четыре ракеты ATACMS


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