Friday, June 28, 2024

Ukraine Loses Up to 4,410 Troops in Clashes With Russia’s Battlegroup Yug in Past Week - MoD Ru

The armed forces of Ukraine lost up to 4,410 soldiers in clashes with Russia’s Battlegroup Yug in the past week, the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) said on Friday.

"The AFU [the armed forces of Ukraine] losses were up to 4,410 Ukrainian troops, two tanks, eight armoured fighting vehicles, 48 motor vehicles, and 39 field artillery guns, including 11 US-made M777 and M198 howitzers [in battles with Battlegroup Yug]," the MoD said in a statement.

Battlegroup Tsentr repelled 39 counterattacks and Ukraine lost up to 2,950 soldiers, while in battles with Battlegrop Vostok, Ukraine has lost up to 930 servicemen, the ministry said. 

Russia's Battlegrop Zapad repelled six counterattacks and Kiev lost up to 3,230 soldiers, while Ukraine lost up to 1,560 servicemen in clashes with Battlegroup Sever, the MoD noted.

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