Friday, June 28, 2024

US House Speaker Calls for Biden to Resign, the situation is alarming

US House Speaker Mike Johnson called on members of the administration to fire President Joe Biden from office.

"Many people are asking about the 25th Amendment to the Constitution (about the removal of the president for incapacity), about its application now, because the situation is alarming. Our rivals see weakness in the White House, as do we all. I say this without pleasure. I think "This is a very dangerous situation. I would ask members of the Cabinet to look into their hearts," Johnson said, as quoted by the Hill.

He noted that he understands the panic in the ranks of the Democrats, but we are talking about the entire country, whose president clearly cannot do the job, and now the ministers and the vice president must do their duty.

According to this amendment, in order to remove a president, a decision of the majority of members of his cabinet and the vice president is required; this has never happened in US history.

The American media agree that Biden performed poorly at the first debate with his predecessor Donald Trump, which took place on Friday night in Atlanta. The current American president stammered and paused, not always clearly formulating his thoughts, and at the end of the event, the television camera caught the moment when his wife Jill helped Biden down the stairs.

1 comment :

  1. The 25th Amendment, proposed by Congress in 1965 after the assassination of John F. Kennedy and ratified two years later, allows the Cabinet to declare a president unfit to serve as president and transfer his seat to the vice president. But there has not yet been such a precedent in US history.


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