Monday, June 3, 2024

US Senator Sees Biden Sleepwalking into WWIII

Decisions being made by US President Joe Biden increase the risk of another world war, Senator James David Vance (R-Ohio) believes.

"I just spoke to a friend I trust on what's going on in Russia. I think the risk of nuclear war is higher now than at any point in my lifetime. Biden is sleepwalking into World War 3," the legislator wrote on X on Sunday, TASS reported.

On May 31, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Biden had given Ukraine the go-ahead to use US-provided weapons for strikes inside Russia.

On May 28, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that when speaking about strikes inside Russia, representatives of NATO countries, "should be aware of what they are playing with." According to Putin, Russia is closely monitoring such a discussion.

On Friday, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev also said that all long-range weapons shipped to Ukraine are "being directly controlled by NATO servicemen," adding that such actions could necessitate retaliatory strikes.

1 comment :

  1. Moscú alerta a Washington de consecuencias graves en caso de que el territorio ruso sea atacado, declaró el viceministro de Exteriores ruso Serguéi Riabkov.

    La declaración se produce tras la presunta autorización del presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, para que Kiev utilice armas estadounidenses con el fin de atacar territorio ruso desde la provincia de Járkov.

    "Quisiera advertir a los funcionarios estadounidenses de fallos que pueden tener consecuencias fatales. Por razones desconocidas subestiman la gravedad de la respuesta que puedan recibir", aseveró Riabkov.


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