Wednesday, July 31, 2024

China condemns assassination of Haniyeh in Iran

 China condemned on Wednesday the assassination of the head of the political bureau of the Palestinian resistance movement (Hamas) Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran.

“We are deeply concerned about the incident and strongly oppose and condemn this assassination,” AFP quoted Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian as saying in a statement.

“We are deeply concerned that this incident may lead to further instability in the regional situation,” the Spokesperson added.

 The government of Iran declared three days of public mourning for Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh, who was assassinated in Tehran in the wee hours of Wednesday.

The Iranian government in a statement declared July 31, August 1 and 2 as days of public mourning for Ismail Haniyeh.

It also condemned the Israeli regime’s “barbaric” assassination attack that was conducted with “special purposes” at the outset of the tenure of President Masoud Pezeshkian's administration.


  1. Ayatollah Khamenei Vows Iran’s Revenge for Assassination of Haniyeh

  2. La Turquie a condamné mercredi "l'ignoble assassinat" du chef politique du Hamas Ismail Hanyeh, proche du président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan, dans un communiqué du ministère des Affaires étrangères. La Russie a, elle, dénoncé un "assassinat politique inacceptable".

  3. Russia strongly condemns the assassination of Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh, Russian Foreign Ministry deputy spokesman Andrey Nastasin said on Wednesday.
    Earlier in the day, the Palestinian movement Hamas confirmed the death of Haniyeh as a result of an Israeli strike on his residence in the Iranian capital. According to the movement, Haniyeh was killed in an Israeli "raid" on his residence in Tehran after his participation in the inauguration ceremony of the new president of Iran.


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