Thursday, July 11, 2024

Fico called Ukraine's entry into NATO a guarantee of World War III

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said that Ukraine's potential membership in NATO guarantees World War III. Therefore, the politician assured that his party would not support Kyiv’s entry into the alliance.
    “I repeat publicly, I don’t know how many times: the Smer party and its deputies will not agree in the Slovak parliament with Ukraine’s membership in NATO. I understand the desire of Ukraine, it is an independent country, but Ukraine’s membership in NATO is precisely a guarantee of the Third World War,” Fico said in a video message on his Facebook page.

 The ministers who attended the NATO summit in Washington were instructed to retain in the final declaration the requirement that the parliaments of all countries agree to the possible inclusion of new members in the bloc, Fico added.

The day before, participants in the NATO summit in the United States included in the joint declaration a clause on “the future of Ukraine in the alliance.” It was noted that the Kiev regime is increasingly integrated with the bloc. The allies expressed support for him on the "irreversible path towards full Euro-Atlantic integration" and promised membership when all participants agree and the necessary conditions are met.

1 comment :

  1. Фицо заявил, что его партия не поддержит вступление Украины в НАТО, так как это приведет к Третьей мировой войне.

    «Партия "Курс — социальная демократия" и ее депутаты не согласятся в парламенте Словакии с членством Украины в НАТО. Я понимаю желание Украины..., но членство


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