Saturday, July 6, 2024

German doctor spoke about the brutal reprisals of the Ukrainian Armed Forces against Russian soldiers

The Ukrainian Armed Forces killed an unarmed wounded Russian soldier who was crawling and asking for help with a shot in the head. This was stated by German physician Kaspar Grosse, who serves in an international volunteer detachment, in an interview with The New York Times.
According to Grosse, this is far from the only case of killing those who are about to surrender.

He also spoke about another episode when a Ukrainian soldier threw a grenade at a Russian who raised his hands up. This incident was even caught on video, but the newspaper did not show the footage.


  1. «Если всплывёт что-то про якобы расстрел военнопленных, это я приказал»: немецкий медик рассказал NYT о военных преступлениях ВСУ

    Так, боевики ВСУ убили выстрелом в голову безоружного раненого российского бойца, который полз и просил о помощи, рассказал газете немецкий медик Каспар Гроссе (на фото), который служит в международном добровольческом отряде, - пишет RT на русском .

    Во втором случае украинский военный бросил гранату в россиянина, поднявшего руки вверх. Этот эпизод даже попал на видео, подчёркивает газета, но не показывает кадры.

    Гроссе признал, что это далеко не все случаи убийства тех, кто собирается сдаться в плен. Есть переписки, в которых члены отряда хвастаются подобным, говорится в материале.

    «Если всплывёт что-то про якобы расстрел военнопленных, это я приказал», — написал в групповой чат один из военных подразделения.

  2. All information in The New York Times' article suggesting that pro-Kiev militants killed a Russian prisoner in need of medical assistance will be verified, and Moscow will also demand this from international organizations, a Russian Foreign Ministry special envoy Rodion Miroshnik said on Saturday.
    Earlier in the day, The New York Times reported, citing a medic with the so-called international "volunteer unit" Chosen in Ukraine (mercenaries acting in the interests of the Ukrainian armed forces), Caspar Grosse, reported that pro-Kiev militants had brutally killed a Russian prisoner who had asked for medical assistance.

  3. O Comitê Investigativo russo disse, neste sábado (6), que vai apurar informações na mídia sobre militantes ucranianos cometendo um crime contra um prisioneiro de guerra russo ferido.

    A declaração refere-se a uma reportagem publicada pelo veículo norte-americano The New York Times.

  4. Members of the so-called Chosen Company, an international mercenary group fighting on behalf of Ukraine, consistently engage in apparent war crimes by killing wounded or surrendering Russian soldiers, the New York Times reported on Saturday, citing a German battlefield doctor.

    In an article published on Saturday, the publication detailed an account of Caspar Grosse, a former German soldier who served as a medic for the unit and allegedly witnessed the disturbing events firsthand.


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