Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Israeli army attacked Beirut, targeting one of the Hezbollah commanders

The Israeli army attacked Beirut. The target of the attack was one of the Hezbollah commanders responsible for shelling the Druze village of Majdal Shams on the Golan Heights.

The army press service said in a statement that the strike was targeted. The Israeli army was tasked with eliminating the man responsible for the murder of “children... and many Israeli civilians.”

 Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant later said that Hezbollah had “crossed a red line.”

A rocket attack on the village of Majdal Shams on the Golan Heights in northern Israel was carried out on July 27. As a result, at least 12 people died, all between the ages of 10 and 20.

 Damascus held a condolence ceremony on Tuesday in Quneitra city for 12 children killed in the nearby Israeli-annexed Golan Heights in a strike that Israel has blamed on Syria’s ally Hezbollah.

Dozens of Syrians wearing traditional white Druze caps attended the event, in a tent outside a government building in Quneitra city – just a few hundred meters from the annexed Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since 1967.

“We came to show our solidarity with our people, the families of the martyrs in Majdal Shams... These children are our children,” said resident Jawdat Talia.


  1. Cancillería rusa tacha la agresión israelí contra el sur de la capital libanesa de “una flagrante violación al derecho internacional”

  2. Medios libaneses reportan una mártir, y varios heridos, algunos de ellos son de gravedad, en la agresión israelí contra el sur de Beirut

  3. A building in Beirut, Lebanon has been destroyed in what Israel said was a targeted attack on a Hezbollah commander. The strike has raised concerns of a wider war in the region.

    Lebanese media reported the explosion in the Beirut neighborhood of Haret Hreik on Tuesday evening, while Israeli outlets identified the targeted area as Dahieh. It was unclear whether airplanes or drones were involved.

    At least one person has died and ten have been injured

  4. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed the strike and said it targeted the Hezbollah commander responsible for Saturday’s attack on a village in the Golan Heights “and the killing of numerous additional Israeli civilians.”

    Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that by striking the village of Majdal Shams, Hezbollah had “crossed the red line,” echoing recent comments by Foreign Minister Israel Katz.

  5. Después de la agresión en Beirut, se elevó el grado de preparación por tierra, aire y mar por temor a la respuesta de Hizbullah.

  6. Rusia tacha ataques israelíes al Líbano de una grave violación del derecho internacional

    Los ataques israelíes contra Beirut son una grave violación del derecho internacional, declararon a Sputnik desde el Ministerio de Exteriores de Rusia.

    Las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel (FDI) informaron de un ataque contra Beirut, cuyo objetivo era un comandante del movimiento chií Hizbulá "responsable del asesinato de civiles israelíes".

    Se trata de "una grave violación del derecho internacional", señalaron en la Cancillería rusa.

  7. Secondo un corrispondente di Al-Arabiya l'appartamento preso di mira si trova vicino ad un ufficio di coordinamento tra la Guardia rivoluzionaria iraniana ed Hezbollah.

  8. At least 68 people were taken to hospitals in the Lebanese capital with injuries following a recent Israeli airstrike on southern Beirut, the Lebanese Health Ministry said.

    According to the Health Ministry, 14 people are in serious condition.

    It was earlier reported that the airstrike killed one woman and injured 17 others. Earlier reports also said two Hezbollah field commanders were killed in the strike, but their names were not disclosed.

  9. The US State Department had been offering $5m for information on Muhsin Shukr, also known as Fuad Shukr, prior to Israel’s attack today.

    Hezbollah sources say Shukr survived the attack, although his fate remains unclear.

    The US, in a listing explaining the reward, described Shukr as a senior advisor on military affairs to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

    It also said he “played a central role” in the 1983 bombing of a US Marine Corps barracks in Beirut that killed 241 US soldiers.

  10. Lebanon’s National News Agency (NNA) says that a female civilian was killed when Israel bombed a building in Haret Hreik, in the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital.

    “Sixty-eight civilians were injured, five of whom were critically injured, while the rest suffered moderate to minor injuries. Most of them were treated in emergency departments and were discharged from hospitals,” the NNA added.


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