Friday, July 12, 2024

NATO declares the right to use force anywhere on the planet

NATO declares the right to use force anywhere in the world, whether under the pretext of democracy or battling terrorism, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov has said, summarizing the results of the NATO summit that has ended in Washington.

"The states of 'golden billion' want to keep in a squeezed state and suck the juices from all regions of the world. For the sake of imposing neocolonial orders, NATO actually declares the right to use force anywhere on the planet, whether under the pretext of exporting democracy, protecting human rights or fighting terrorism," Antonov told journalists on Thursday. 

The Russian diplomat said that the Washington summit showed that NATO countries "have irrevocably embarked on the path of confrontation and material preparation for war," adding that "the US and its satellites are mobilizing maximum resources to preserve their failing hegemony."

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