Sunday, July 7, 2024

The new head of the British Defense Ministry, Healey, announced the delivery of 90 Brimstone missiles to the Ukrainian Armed Forces

The UK will additionally supply Kyiv with 90 Brimstone precision-guided missiles, 10 AS-90 self-propelled artillery guns and a quarter of a million ammunition.

This was stated by the new Minister of Defense of the United Kingdom, John Healey, during a visit to Odessa.

The next aid package to Kyiv also includes 50 small boats, 40 mine clearance vehicles, 61 bulldozers to strengthen defensive positions and spare parts for previously supplied AS-90s.

In addition, a message on the UK government website states that Healey will speed up military support for the Kyiv regime. It is noted that the weapons previously promised to Ukraine will arrive in the country in the next hundred days.

Earlier, new British Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced continued support for Ukraine. He said that he had already had several telephone conversations with foreign leaders on the Ukrainian issue.

1 comment :

  1. Новый министр обороны Великобритании Джон Хили заявил, что страна поставит киевскому режиму новую партию вооружения и четверть миллиона боеприпасов.

    Как пишет ТАСС, об этом Хили сообщил во время своего визита в Одессу.


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