Tuesday, July 30, 2024

US-backed attempted state coup underway in Venezuela, says defense chief

A far-right political opposition in Venezuela backed by the United States and its allies attempts to stage a coup in the country, Venezuela’s Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez said on Tuesday.

"What we witness today is another state coup being organized by far-right extremists backed by imperialistic forces namely by the North American imperialism and its allies," he said.

"President Nicolas Maduro stepped in to stop it [the state coup]," Lopez said speaking at a news conference that was attended by the country’s high military command. "He [Maduro] was joined by the people and all democratic institutions."

"We are set to suppress this coup again. There is no force that can keep reigned the people [of Venezuela] and the National Bolivarian Armed Forces," he stressed.

"The history tells us that a violent scenario leads to nothing positive," Minister Lopez continued adding that riots on Monday involved "foreign-trained criminals and mercenaries, who were employed in order to carry out horrific plans."

"Many of them have been already identified, detained and brought to an account," Defense Minister Lopez added.

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