Saturday, August 10, 2024

Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria Condemned Gaza School Attack

Egypt's Foreign Ministry has strongly denounced the Israeli military strike on Gaza City's al-Tabin school, accusing Israel of lacking the "political will" to end the ongoing war.

In a statement reported by the state-run Middle East News Agency, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry criticized Israel for repeatedly committing "large-scale crimes" against "unarmed civilians" whenever there is an international push for a ceasefire.

The ministry further asserted that such attacks demonstrate "an unprecedented disregard" for international law.

  •      Saudi Arabia strongly condemned the Israeli military's airstrike on a school in Gaza City, denouncing it as part of a broader pattern of violence against civilians in the enclave.

Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Saturday, condemning the recent Israeli airstrike on Gaza City’s al-Tabin school in the "strongest terms."

The ministry stressed the need to halt the "mass massacres" in the region, adding that Gaza is currently enduring an "unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe" due to ongoing violations of international law.

  •      Syria condemned a massacre committed by Israeli occupation entity against Tabeen school housing displaced people in central Gaza Strip, resulting in the martyrdom of more than 100 Palestinians, including children, women and elderly, and the injury of tens.

The Israeli occupation has been continuing to commit crimes of genocide against the defenseless Palestinian people for more than ten months amidst a state of international inability and paralysis to take any action to stop the Israeli killing machine due to the Western protection for this criminal entity, Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

Syria reiterates that the Israeli entity’s persistence in shedding the blood of innocents in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria will increase the determination of the people of this region to resist it and respond to its crimes, despite all the Western support for this entity to continue its crimes, the statement read


  1. EU diplomat Josep Borrell said he was “horrified” by images

  2. "Считаем, что им нет и не может быть оправдания": официальный представитель МИД России Мария Захарова заявила, что РФ глубоко потрясена ударом ЦАХАЛ по школе "Аль-Табаин" в секторе Газа.

    Она отметила, что подобные действия израильских военных, жертвами которых становятся мирные граждане, к сожалению, носят систематический характер. Москва призвала Израиль воздержаться от подобных атак на гражданские объекты.

    "В Москве глубоко потрясены произошедшим. Выражаем искренние соболезнования родственникам погибших. Желаем скорейшего выздоровления пострадавшим", — уточнила Захарова.


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