Thursday, August 1, 2024

EU: 'No Supply Risks' for Hungary, Slovakia After Ukraine Halts Russian Oil Transit

The preliminary analysis of Kiev halting the oil transit from Russia shows no energy supply risks for Hungary or Slovakia, EU Commission spokesman Balazs Ujvari said on Thursday.

"According to what we know now, according to the information that we have at our disposal and in line with the internal Commission analysis, it appears that the sanctions imposed by Ukraine on Lukoil, do not affect the ongoing transit operations via Druzhba carried out by trading companies as long as Lukoil in not the formal owner of the oil," Ujvari told a briefing.

The European Commission will not hold urgent consultations on Kiev stopping oil transit from Russia amid the lack of supply risks, the official said.
"I can confirm the Commission services have preliminary concluded as for now that urgent consultations do not appear to be needed at this point in time as there is no current indication of any immediate risk to the security of supply," Ujvari said.

1 comment :

  1. The European Commission refused to hold urgent consultations on oil supplies to Hungary and Slovakia being blocked by Kiev, spokesman of the Commission Balazs Ujvari said at a briefing in Brussels.

    The European Commission confirmed that it had concluded preliminarily that there was no immediate threat to EU energy security and therefore did not consider that urgent consultations are required, the spokesman said. He also reminded that Hungary and Slovakia should drop Russian exports step by step.


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