Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Russian Ministry of Defense announced the creation of troop groups "Belgorod", "Kursk" and Bryansk"

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation informed about the creation of troop groups "Belgorod", "Bryansk" and "Kursk".

During a meeting of the Coordination Council on military security of the border territories of the Belgorod, Bryansk and Kursk regions, Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov said that direct 24-hour interaction has been established between regional administrations and group commanders.

 Earlier it became known that Belousov created a council for military security of border territories in the Ministry of Defense.

1 comment :

  1. Минобороны создало три новых группировки войск для защиты границ — «Белгород», «Брянск» и «Курск».

    Они вместе с представителями Генштаба будут отвечать «за защиту граждан и территорий от атак дронов и иных средств нападения», заявил министр обороны Белоусов.


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