Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Russian MoD : The Armed Forces of Ukraine lost about 2 thousand people, 5 tanks and 31 drones the past 24 hours

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported on the progress of a special military operation over the past 24 hours. The total enemy manpower losses in all directions amounted to about 2 thousand people.

Units of the North group of forces in the Volchansky and Liptsovsky directions defeated enemy manpower and equipment in the areas of the settlements of Zolochev, Kharkov region, and Mogritsa and Lugovka, Sumy region. Enemy losses amounted to up to 105 troops, and one tank was also destroyed.

 The group of troops "West" occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the formations of three brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of the settlements of Kopanki in the Kharkov region, Chervona Dibrova in the Lugansk People's Republic and Novosadovoye in the Donetsk People's Republic. As a result of these actions, the enemy lost more than 450 troops.

Units of the "Southern" group of troops improved the situation along the front line and defeated the manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of the settlements of Katerynivka, Konstantinovka and Serebryanka of the Donetsk People's Republic. Two counterattacks by Ukrainian Armed Forces units were also repelled, as a result the enemy lost more than 680 military personnel...

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