Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Kyiv sent a unit from former prisoners to the Kursk region

Ukraine sent a unit formed from former prisoners to the Kursk region. 

According to servicemen of the 810th Separate Guards Marine Brigade, during one of the battles they managed to capture Kirill Komarov, a Ukrainian Armed Forces fighter from the Shkval unit. He served in the 92nd separate assault brigade, in which a unit was created from ex-prisoners.

“There is no command with them, they take up defense on their own, do what they want. They loot. They do not engage in shooting combat. After our fire defeat, they simply run,” said the Marine battalion commander.

1 comment :

  1. Украинское командование отправило в Курскую область подразделение из бывших заключенных, которые занимаются мародерством и предпочитают избегать прямого столкновения с российскими морпехами.


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