Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Moscow views NATO’s exercise in Finland as part of hybrid war on Russia

Moscow is looking at NATO’s maneuvers in Finland to assess the potential risks of such a drill which Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said is part of a hybrid war against Russia.

"We have repeatedly cautioned against risks that have emerged since NATO began to use the territory of Finland. Any military exercises of an aggressive military bloc near the Russian borders are clearly provocative," the diplomat said at a news briefing on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF). "Practicing the use of combat actions on Finnish territory is part of a hybrid war being waged on Russia," she added, citing new security risks for shipping and the economic activity in the country’s Extreme North.

"We are monitoring the develolments as we assess potential risks. Our military has been making corresponding conclusions," she said.

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