Saturday, September 14, 2024

Reuters: Ukraine gave the US and Britain a list of Russian targets for strikes with Western weapons

Kyiv handed over to Washington and London a list of targets on Russian territory at which the Ukrainian Armed Forces can strike with Western-made weapons. This was reported by Reuters, citing unnamed European diplomats.

However, it is not specified when exactly this list was transferred. Potential targets include military command and control centers, fuel and weapons depots.

 It is expected that the British authorities will receive American support in order to lift restrictions on the use of their missiles against targets located deep in the territory of the Russian Federation.

 A French diplomatic source clarified that Paris will make its own decision.

 At the same time, a number of US officials are skeptical about the prospects of strikes with American-made weapons and note that Kyiv already uses drones to strike targets deep in Russian territory, and the number of Western missiles is limited and they are very expensive.

 The ABC television channel previously reported that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, during his visit to Kyiv on September 11, received from the President of Ukraine a document outlining a plan for the possible use of American ATACMS missiles by the Ukrainian military for strikes deep into Russian territory.

Earlier, Bloomberg, citing sources, reported that the United States wants to receive from the Ukrainian authorities a detailed strategy for Kyiv’s strikes against targets located deep inside Russian territory.


  1. Снятие запрета для украинских войск использовать дальнобойное оружия для ударов вглубь России оправдано, но каждая сторона самостоятельно принимает решение по этому вопросу. Об этом заявил глава Военного комитета Североатлантического альянса Роб Бауэр.

    «В соответствии с положениями о вооруженных конфликтах, любая страна, подвергшаяся атаке, имеет право на самооборону. Это право не ограничивается границами страны», - цитирует РИА Новости Бауэра, который выступал на пресс-конференции в Праге по итогам заседания военного комитета НАТО.

  2. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that he would not give Ukraine permission to use long-range weapons, despite the decisions of his colleagues. He said this during a conversation with citizens in the city of Prenzlau, DPA reports.

    The head of Germany also said that he had canceled the supply of Taurus cruise missiles to the Kyiv regime.

    “I said no to that,” he said.

  3. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz decided to refrain from a policy of escalation with Russia. He flatly refused to allow Kyiv to attack the territory of Russia with long-range weapons made in Germany.

    The Welt newspaper reported this. According to the publication, the chancellor promised his voters to firmly adhere to this position in the face of possible pressure from NATO partners and Ukraine.

  4. Scholz insistiría en denegar a Kiev el uso de armas alemanas de largo alcance para atacar el interior de Rusia

    El canciller alemán, Olaf Scholz, pretende insistir en su negativa a que Kiev utilice armas de largo alcance producidas en Alemania contra instalaciones situadas en lo profundo del territorio ruso, procede del diario Welt.

    "Mantengo mi postura, incluso si otros países deciden lo contrario. No voy a hacerlo porque creo que es un problema", declaró Scholz, citado por el medio.


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