Monday, September 30, 2024

Stoltenberg: changes in Russian doctrine do not require changes on the part of NATO, NATO allies not stop supporting Ukraine

NATO has not recorded changes in the Russian nuclear doctrine “that would require any changes” on its part, said Jens Stoltenberg, secretary general of the military alliance.

On September 25, Russian President Vladimir Putin, at a meeting of the Security Council on Nuclear Deterrence, announced a correction of Russian nuclear doctrine.

 And today, in an interview with Reuters, Stoltenberg (his powers as Secretary General will end on October 1) said that the Russian president's statements are "an example of reckless Russian nuclear rhetoric."

According to him, when NATO increased support for the Kyiv regime with new types of weapons, Russia tried to interfere with this bloc.

 “They have not succeeded, and this latest example should not stop NATO allies from supporting Ukraine,” he said.

Stoltenberg said NATO had not detected any changes in Russia's nuclear policy "that require any changes on our part."

1 comment :

  1. Jens Stoltenberg urged the alliance’s members to continue their aid to Kiev without succumbing to "nuclear rhetoric" purportedly emanating from Russia


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