Sunday, September 15, 2024

Surface-to-Surface Missile, Launched From Yemen, Falls in Central Israel

A surface-to-surface missile fell in central Israel, it was fired from Yemen, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tried to shoot it down, the result is currently being assessed, the IDF said on Sunday.

"Following the sirens that sounded a short while ago in central Israel, a surface-to-surface missile was identified crossing into central Israel from the East and fell in an open area. No injuries were reported," the IDF said on Telegram. 

"The missile was fired from Yemen. The explosive sounds heard in the last few minutes are from the interceptors. The result of the interception is under review," the army added.

Israeli air defenses tried to shoot down the missile and it fell in an open area. Nine people were injured and fires broke out, according to reports.

Yemen's Ansar Allah movement, also known as the Houthis, said on Sunday that it had struck a military facility in Israel's Jaffa area using a hypersonic ballistic missile.

1 comment :

  1. Ansar Allah spokesman: "We launched a hypersonic ballistic missile towards a military target in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa area - the missile traveled a distance of 2,040 km and managed to reach its destination in 11 and a half minutes."


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